Hello my lovelies!
It is FINALLY CHRISTMAS!! I know it is probably not Christmas for most of you yet – but I HAVE BEEN DYING TO GIVE YOU YOUR PRESENT!! This is my Christmas gift to you all 💜
I hope you guys are not tired of Namjin – haha, sorry but this is the only love story I have identified so far in my lyrical analyses! 😅
If you don’t believe in Namjin and think that all the connections I’ve found are simply coincidences – that is okay! This post is all about celebrating the wonderfulness of love – and you can still join in the celebration! Just imagine “Her” to be whoever you want “Her” to be. You’re even allowed to imagine “Her” to be yourself!
This is a celebration because all things indicate that Joon fell deeply in love with someone he calls “Her” in 2013. And true love is indeed the greatest joy and gift one can ever experience… that incomparable bubbly feeling of warmth… giddy happiness… fuzzy contentment… 💜
So without further ado, today, we are going to be analysing:
- A Typical Trainee’s Christmas – This is BTS’ first Christmas song released on 11 January 2013, and the lyrics are written, sung and rapped by various BTS members. As this post is specifically about Namjoon’s love story, I will only be discussing Joon’s lyrics.
- A Perfect Christmas – This Christmas song was released on 18 December 2013 and was written by Joon and only one other co-writer Esna (source). The significance of this is that A Perfect Christmas is likely to be substantially written by Namjoon.
Alrighty. Ready for some Christmas loving? Let’s go!!
Assumed Knowledge and Assumptions
Note, this is a stand-alone post and I have written this under the assumption that you’ve read all of my previous blog posts, and that my theory about the Love Yourself albums is more or less accurate.
1. A Typical Trainee’s Christmas
1a. Non-Fiction
First, I refer to the following lyrics:
[Verse 6]
I’m a bumpkin from Ilsan
Making it to the nation’s top 1%
I got an unexpected call during my midterms
That was it, I became solo after picking up that call
Many of you would read this verse and go: Yes I know this about Namjoon. He grew up in Ilsan and was incredibly smart with an IQ of 148.
The significance of this verse is that Namjoon is rapping about his life. His lyrics are non-fiction.
The lyrics of other members are also obviously non-fictional, indicating that all of Namjoon’s lyrics in this song are based on his (real) life and true feelings.
1b. Poop poop poop!!!!
Next, I refer to the following verse:
[Verse 3]
Over here poop poop poop hey over there poop poop poop
This isn’t snow, it’s poop poop poop!
Look at the sky, it’s raining white poop
God really has no manners at all, none at all
Even my forever alone friend Myungsoo is going to a solo victory party
I want to rest on that day and at least hold a snowman’s hand
Our company, our boss – I don’t like any of you
I miss my mom
The repetition of “poop” tell us one thing… Namjoon was having a really shitty time and the end of 2012 / start of 2013.
Namjoon was mad at God who was “raining white poop” all over him and making everything around him crappy. Because of the utter shittiness of everything, Joon was in an all-round tired negative mood and was missing his mum (a source of love and comfort) dearly “I want to rest…. company… boss – I don’t like any of you, I miss my mum.”
Namjoon was also lonely that he compared himself to his “forever alone friend Myungsoo” , emphasising how very more single and completely alone he was. Due to the lack of close friends or a special someone in his life, Joon laments that even holding hands with a lifeless cold snowman would be nice.
The significance of this verse is there was a distinctive lack of positivity, happiness and love in Namjoon’s life at the end of 2012 and start of 2013.
Namjoon was lonely and hated Christmas in 2012.
1c. Joon’s perspective of love
Now, this is where it gets interesting. Please read and digest each sentence carefully:
[Verse 2]
I can’t stand it anymore because I’m so lonely
It’s the middle of December and my lips are chapped
I haven’t matched up to anybody these days, I should give up
No girlfriend either because our debut is soon
Hah idols are getting married yet
Separating the male and female trainees? How does that make sense?
We can’t love so how do we write love song lyrics
If it were up to me, I’d be encouraging dating
We have established earlier the logic as to why we can assume that Namjoon is rapping about his life and his true feelings in this song.
Thus, we can derive the following information from the lyrics:
- As at 15 December 2012 (“middle of December” ), Namjoon was feeling very lonely and did not have a girlfriend. He did not have a girlfriend because:
- He couldn’t match up to anybody; and
- BTS was debuting soon and K-pop artists are not allowed to date.
- Namjoon found it hard to write love song lyrics if he can’t experience love and doesn’t know what love is. Thus, he believes that dating should be encouraged so that they can experience love and write about it.
These lyrics tell us that Namjoon draws on his personal experience to write song lyrics.
However, as we all know, Namjoon proceeded to write many many love songs after 2013 including I NEED U, I Know and of course Trivia 承: Love.
Thus, Namjoon must have started secretly dating and experiencing love after 15 December 2012 to be able to write the many (high quality and intimate) love songs throughout the years.
2. A Perfect Christmas
2a. Joon… suddenly loves Christmas?
11 Months later, Joon wrote A Perfect Christmas and my my, has his mood change.
In 2012, Namjoon hated Christmas so much he associated snow with poop, “this isn’t snow, it’s poop poop poop!”
However… suddenly in late 2013, Namjoon writes:
Christmas time is here
The snow falling down at night is beautiful...
….This is the perfect time of the year
…. Because you’re here, I’m incredibly happy
Within a year, Namjoon went from complaining how Christmas and snow are shitty, to gushing how Christmas is “the perfect time of the year” , how falling snow “is beautiful” , and how “incredibly happy” he is that it is Christmas.
In addition, Namjoon previously complained in A Typical Trainee’s Christmas about how very lonely he was and how very single he was.
However in A Perfect Christmas…
Even as the night passes nothing will change girl
You make me feel so good inside
You make it impossible for me to feel lonely
Without a reason, I want to hug you…
… I like to thank ya girl on this Christmas Eve…
Ha, I’m happy because you’re with me
Singles can curse me
Girl, I’m okay, you’re my Santa
Within a year, Namjoon went from feeling lonely, single and hating Christmas, to NOT feeling lonely and loving Christmas… because of someone he refers to as “You” and “girl”.
In other words, sometime between 11 January 2013 to 18 December 2013, Namjoon started dating “Her”.
This is consistent with everything I’ve said in my blog so far, especially where I’ve said that the lyrics indicate that Namjoon was in a relationship on the day BTS debuted on 13 June 2013.
2b. “Her”
I refer to the following lyrics:
Christmas time is here
The snow falling down at night is beautiful
But your face looks more beautiful than even the glittering stars
It shines more brightly
How can you be so perfect
This is the perfect time of the year
I’ll show you how precious you are
Because you’re here, I’m incredibly happy
This Christmas
Every day I’ll tell you I love you
Yeah I love you
The generous use of positive gushing words like “precious”, “perfect”, “beautiful” , “happy” and “love” throughout the entire song tell us:
She is incredibly beautiful and is so perfect and precious to Namjoon… And Namjoon is absolutely smitten with her.
Next, Namjoon says:
There’s one thing in common between a cough and love:
Whatever you do, you can’t hide it
Given everything we have discussed in my blog… I think that it is now crystal clear to us that Namjoon is utterly incapable of hiding his love for her.
AN: Honey Farmers, I think you’ve been right all along.
2c. The Feeling of Love
I refer to the following lyrics:
Without a reason, I want to hug you…
I like to thank ya girl on this Christmas Eve
Instead of burning time you lit a fire in my heart
Ha, I’m happy because you’re with me
Singles can curse me
Girl I’m okay, you’re my Santa
Instead of going to others, it’s enough that you only came down my chimney
Spending this night with you
I could never wanna spend it any other way
The time spent between just the two of us
How precious it is
Given that the song was released on 18 December 2013 before Christmas Eve, we can infer that Namjoon was planning to thank her on the 24th of December 2013 and… more than likely, spending the precious night with her in each other’s arms.
The creation of heat through the juxtaposition of “burning” and “fire” against the backdrop of winter snow evokes the feeling of coziness and coveys to us the warm feeling of contentment and happiness Namjoon felt from loving her… and being loved back by her.
In addition, the lyrics “Instead of going to others, it’s enough that you only came down my chimney” implies that other things may have heated up as well to “thank” her. I will leave this to your imagination and interpretation!
2d. The City Lights
I refer to the following lyrics:
The city lights are decorated so beautifully
Whoever looks will see how well it suits you and I
When I was analysing these lyrics, I wondered: Why did Namjoon feel that the city lights suited Namjoon and her so well?
So, I googled “Korea Christmas Lights 2013”.
Now, this may be something, or it maybe nothing. So take what you see next with a grain of salt as there are a million other possible reasons why Namjoon felt that the city lights suited Namjoon and her so well.
But here is the Christmas tree at city hall square in Seoul, in predominately blue and pink colours… and hearts everywhere:

Source: Travel Story Korea
The image address indicates it was taken on 3 December 2013 – http://travelstorykorea.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-20131203_201020.jpg
3. The Year 2020
And just in case you haven’t realised… many people have been saying that 2020 has been Namjin’s year because there have been many cute Namjin moments and they seem to be extra bold this year.
Per my theory and analyses, I believe that Joon started dating “Her” in 2013. If my theory is accurate and we ignore the break up in between, Namjoon and”Her” have been together for 7 years.
2020 is “Her” and Namjoon’s 7-Year Anniversary.
Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays for those who don’t celebrate Christmas!!) y’all 😊💜
Love love love love love!! x G
Lyrics: A Typical Trainee’s Christmas and A Perfect Christmas
As per my first author’s note, please, no hate!
I do not have a shipping or individual bias, I love all seven members equally and I do not write my blogs because of a particular personal desire for one of them. I reached my conclusion on Joon and Jin being together based on the lyrics, logic and patterns as I have discussed in all my posts (i.e. I did not ship Namjin first, and then started trying to find things to prove my point). I genuinely enjoy all ships because I enjoy watching the different chemistries between the boys.
It does not matter one bit to me if they are straight, gay, intersex, a skrull, a mutant or if they could lay eggs. I love them wholeheartedly (as a sister who would love her younger brothers) for their individual selves.
This theory of A Typical Trainee’s Christmas and A Perfect Christmas is based on my interpretations of its lyrics. Please enjoy.
And one thing more,can you please look up to the song ‘Waterfall’? I found really really suspicious things in the lyrics of the song. The song lyrics kind of screams things about Joon’s break up with his partner. I’m actually coming up with many ‘break-up’ things, right 😅? But I actually started my research about things from the very beginning of Bangtan (from 2010 to be exact). So my comments might be disappointing, don’t mind me please 😅!
Hello Gina! Guess who is re-reading your blogs for the nth time! Haha. I was actually doing some kind of researches about RM’s old songs and I found one thing parallel to your theory. You said that Namjoon was having shitty time at the end of 2012. There is a song called ‘Favourite girl’ by Namjoon. About the song…..he said in a Bangtan blog that he wrote this song in winter 2012 thinking about a girl he really liked but couldn’t get into a relationship. That explains why he was having a shitty time back then. Though it doesn’t explain his later relationship, I think that it makes at least ‘something’ clear about his dating life or whatever.
Hi G!
I completely agreed that Joon and Jin once broke up😢 cause Joon once said he dated a ‘girl’ that was too popular and he couldn’t stand it. Joon has a song called ‘what am I to you’. It hurts… And in Jin’s Instagram he shared a drawing which made me wonder… ‘First hint: ❤️❤️ 💔😭( might be Jin’ s first love. He was 19,20 when he joined so handsome and talented like him of course had relationship before) …. (4years later?) two people met, ❤️❤️💔😭’. I bet it was about their early years. I might be just over thinking but at least is his first hint so it’s worthy to wait for the next hint😊.
And beautifully in late 2020, they shot’ life goes on’ in the forest. They did ‘I’m you, you’re me’ when Yoongi sang ‘luckily between you and me nothing changes’.
Hi, there – Can you shed more light on why you feel Namjoon and “her” broke up at some point? I’m really curious! Also, this blog is a treasure trove for Army nerds like me. 💜
Hi Ophelia! Because the lyrics said so. Please read my blog in chronological order and you will understand 🙂 The songs link up!
Hi! Oh my god i dont know if this actually relates but on december 23 2012 remember they posted a video edited by them singing last christmas. Im specifially talking about the video because the video contains namjoon and jin inside the studio and outside the city walking around 🥺 could be the start?!!! 🥺 ever since i became an army in 2016 i never had a ship.. i love them all equally but as i delved deep into the bts rabbit hole, watching 600+++ bangtan bombs run episodes and bon voyage episodes, there’s just really something that caught my eye. Like i know the boys are really close with each other and i know how much they love each other but there was something different with namjoon and jin. I never really found the namjinist community until 2018😭 i was a closet namjinist for 2 or so years! 😭 coz i thought that shipping or thinking that there was something more than friendship and brotherly love with two members isnt an acceptable premise in the bts army community.. but then i found namjinists 😭😭 and ever since i read your blog posts about namjoon’s lyrics that’s when i really felt that im not alone with the things i notice between them 🥺 as long as they’re happy im happy 😍 thank you for your analyses i really really really enjoy it 🥺💜
Hi Tricia, thank you for sharing!! 😊 it maybe something, it maybe nothing, but put them all together and at least we can get to a level of certainty that Jin and Joon were together for a period of their lives! Ot7 all the way and I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying my blog 🥰💜 borahae!
Ok, so my best friend lives in Seoul, and I asked her about Korean dating culture and lets just say basically Namjin have followed it to a T. Lets talk about blue and pink! Seriously there’s nothing more couply in Korea than the matching. They have basically unofficially announced they are together, seriously I should make a video, by doing basically everything a couple would do. Ok blue and pink:
They were wearing each others clothes back in early years and Jin doesn’t like sharing clothes. Visiting a wedding flowershop ?????! Namjoon? Jin?
If you watch their wings video when bts are watching Jin perform awake, Namjoon says pink and blue! The best colors of 2016. Case being: they actually want ARMY who support them to know. Lets just say if Jin were a girl, according to Korean society, everyone would know they are comitted maybe even married, that wedding anniversary video is suspicious and hilarious. No doubt. I wish their love was accepted. And BTS have always been controversial and they are openly supporting LGTQB. Love. Love is love. think Joon would be ok with your blog, you appreciate his genius and the journey he’s been on and he wouldn’t have left clues. I swear Korea was American, they would have gone public with their relationship already. I’m sure the members know! Joon didn’t leave hints for BTS to be following his story! I really think he’d be glad for your understanding and support. I want to say I’m a christian and I believe love is love regardless of gender. You don’t choose who you fall in love with( as long as it’s not toxic love thats very harmful! ) and you’re blessed if you get to have that love. I’m a hopeless romantic 🤷♀️
If Joon and Jin ever read my blog, I hope hope they will be okay with it 🥰 agree. Love is love, it doesnt care about gender!! I’m a hopeless romantic too and I believe there is nothing more beautiful than true love… and that is exactly what I think Namjoon and Jin (or if it is not Jin, whoever this person is!) have 💜💜💜
That makes Map of the Soul 7 even more special. It’s so beautiful that they found each other. Wow. Thank you for shedding a light on so much.
How can you be sooo intelligent 😭😭.
Bro 🥺💜
And one thing more,can you please look up to the song ‘Waterfall’? I found really really suspicious things in the lyrics of the song. The song lyrics kind of screams things about Joon’s break up with his partner. I’m actually coming up with many ‘break-up’ things, right 😅? But I actually started my research about things from the very beginning of Bangtan (from 2010 to be exact). So my comments might be disappointing, don’t mind me please 😅!
This is so beautiful! 😭😭
G! It’s Christmas Eve here for another 8 and a half hours….but I had to read your gift!!
You are my favorite BTS detective…and this Christmas Edition was wonderful. Only you would think to Google 2013 Christmas decorations in Korea…you know Joon always observes his surroundings and gets inspired. So very awesome idea! Did you scream when you saw the hearts and colors??!!
It is so sweet the way Joon’s attitude sharply changes after falling in love…..Jin flipped a switch in his heart…
I hope that Christmas 2020 is a happy one for them both. I think they have never been closer or more in love.
Thank you G and Merry Christmas to you and all your readers.
Hi Judith!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope you got all your shopping done in time and that you had a wonderful day!
I also hope you liked this gift!! 🥰
Omg I literally choked when I saw the Christmas lights!!! I was like – NO. CAN IT BE?!?! It was just crazy!! But who knows if they are the Christmas lights they were looking at right? 😅 I hope they were!
Love is indeed the strongest force in the universe isn’t it? 🥰 Every time I reflect on them… and their love… I am just in awe.
Sending you lots of love Judith!