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AN: Did Namjoon just…?

Hey everyone, I hope you’ve been enjoying my analyses so far!

I’m sharing with you something that clicked when I was writing DNA Part 2.

I’m sharing with you this because though it could be nothing, it feels like it could be something.

Namjoon said something in an interview that sent my heart racing because it felt like he was validating two fundamental points of my theory.

Namjoon said in this interview:

“DNA” is taking BTS to new ground. We tried to apply new grammar and perspectives — if you listen to the song, you’ll understand what I’m trying to say — it’s very different from our previous music, technically and musically. I believe it’s going to be the starting point of a second chapter of our career; the beginning of our Chapter Two

1. Perspectives?

First, the comment about perspectives got my heart racing because, well, I believe there are three perspectives as discussed in my blog post “Who is “Her”?”.

In addition, I believe there are two perspectives in DNA as discussed in my analysis of DNA Part 1.

To add to the above, here is a random fun fact: @namjin_home kindly informed me that “Trivia” in Latin means “the meeting of three ways”…

2. Chapter Two?

Second, I found Namjoon’s comment about DNA being Chapter Two, outside the context of my theory is strange: Why is it Chapter Two for them? DNA is from the First album of the Love Yourself series, and this is definitely not their second album or come back… so what did they mean when they said DNA was their “Chapter Two”? Their Chapter Two of what?

Well, according to my theory, DNA is the second song in the first story.

DNA is my theory’s Chapter Two...

What do you think? Am I reading into it too much? I would love you hear your thoughts and comments! 🙂

x G

(Follow me on Twitter @btsgtheories)

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