Hey everyone!
Hope you’re having a great day!
Just a short author’s note explaining why Serendipity is not about Jimin and Singularity is not about Tae.
Jimin said the following at the BTS Dinner Party 2018 (from 21.59) about Love Yourself 轉 ‘Tear’:

As Jimin said so himself, Joon wrote most of the lyrics in the Love Yourself 轉 ‘Tear’ album, and so while it is not Jimin’s story, Jimin can empathise with the lyrics Namjoon wrote.
Hence, as much as we love our maknae line, this is why it is not appropriate to analyse Singularity from Tae’s perspective, Serendipity from Jimin’s perspective and Euphoria from Kookie’s perspective.
Our maknaes may be able to relate and empathise with the lyrics, but ultimately, Serendipity and Singularity are Namjoon’s stories. Euphoria was written by Melanie Fontana and originally meant for Justin Bieber.
As Joon said so himself:

If you still wish to believe songs should be analysed from the singer’s perspective, that is fine, but you need to understand the assumptions you’re believing in and ask yourself if you feel comfortable with those assumptions.
For example, if you wish to believe Serendipity should be analysed from Jimin’s perspective and it is about Yoonmin, you need to be aware that you’re believing in the following assumptions:
1. Joon somehow knows exactly how Jimin feels about Yoongi, and what Jimin is thinking when Jimin and Yoongi are being intimate; or
2. Jimin’s feelings towards Yoongi are exactly the same as how Joon feels towards his lover and Jimin relates entirely to it; and
3. Yoongi’s relationship with Jimin is not significant enough for Yoongi to write about romantically in any of his songs. As you will see in my blog, we explore Yoongi’s songs and unfortunately… there doesn’t seem to be any romantic intimacy in his lyrics; and
4. BTS have said many times that almost all of their lyrics are based on their experience. Further, Pdogg said that BTS do not tell stories that they don’t know or didn’t experience themselves.
To, for example, assume that Namjoon wrote Serendipity, Singularity, The Truth Untold, Trivia Love, Dimple, Fake Love etc not based on his experiences is to assume that Namjoon, BTS and Pdogg are lying. In my humble opinion, I do not think BTS and Pdogg are liars.
A similar logic as the above needs to be applied for Singularity, Euphoria, etc.
So when Namjoon said he wrote Serendipity for Jimin and Singularity for Tae, he simply meant that he wrote Serendipity and Singularity for Jimin and Tae to sing.
After all, think about trying to write an intimate love song about your best friend’s relationship with his/her soul mate without any of their input. Or about your best friend’s nightmare and darkest feelings. Ask yourself, can you do it? Is it possible? Go try it out.
💜 G
While I applaud your support of Namjoon and his lyrics, a large part of your analysis is based on your assumptions of facts not in evidence regarding certain ships, members’ private lives, and members’ relationships with each other and with people outside of BTS.
Your analysis “guidelines” reference yoonmin frequently, and you spend quite a lot of time discussing why Serendipity can’t be about Jimin’s feelings for Yoongi, but you still talk about yoonmin being in a romantic relationship with each other as if it’s a foregone conclusion. It seems like you completely miss the possibility that yoonmin is not/never was in a romantic relationship with each other. I also saw references to namjin, which, once again, assumes facts not in evidence.
Your theories seem predicated on the idea that Namjoon isn’t gifted or observant enough to write lyrics based on the world around him or the people close to him–that he’s only capable of writing about things he himself has directly experienced. Yes, Namjoon is writing what he knows, but that doesn’t mean it has to be his personal story.
You completely dismiss the possibility that Namjoon DOES know his members, and knows about their romantic relationships, and knows them well enough that he could have been drawing on what he’s seen of their experiences to write lyrics. What about the possibility that Namjoon knows Jimin well enough to know who he loves? That he’s been in close proximity to Jimin for YEARS and saw his romantic relationship grow? (There is incontrovertible proof that Jimin was never in a romantic relationship with Yoongi, but that’s beside the point. And I’m not homophobic or anti-shipping. My problem is when someone makes assumptions based on scarce or misconstrued evidence, and then treats it as fact.) If Namjoon possibly drew upon someone else’s experiences when writing Serendipity, it might not have been Jimin–it could have been any of the members, or anyone that Namjoon is very close to–although it does make sense that Namjoon could have been referencing some of Jimin’s experiences since he knew Jimin would be singing this song.
(Also, it makes you sound kind of arrogant to say that Yoongi’s lyrics are not romantic, and therefore he must not have been in a romantic relationship during a certain time period. The members share a lot with ARMY, but what they share is still only the tip of the iceberg of their lives.)
Hi .. I dont even know whether you will ever read it or not.. But I am seriously melted after reading the whole blog.. You must either be namjoon or a fine detective. just kidding.. I love your research.. Its lovely and regretting that I only discovered it now after being an army of nearly 2 yrs. This is just to say that I love you for this work, its awesome. Feeling sad and kind of depressed coz you stopped posting my bad timing. I want to write a lot bt I’m not good at conveying things . And I hope and pray atleast you read my msg.. God let her read my message
Watch rm vlive (171007) jimin said himself,he said thnx to rm for his beautiful song and after heard rm’s guide song,he want sing it to sound and express like rm.tht means jimin didnt has his own story in serendipity.And rm said thts how he really felt..so its clearly serendipity based on rm’s own story.
well there goes my Yoonmin ship which had its foundation based almost exclusively on Serendipity 😭. But joking aside I think there may be an aspect of mutual or shared experiences in the songs? For example, Awake. Joon wrote the lyrics but what the song had to convey came exclusively from Jin. Same for Moon. Tonight was even more stringent since Jin wrote most of it by himself and just added from Joon. There *MAY* be an underlying story conveyed to Joon because he is still the poet of the group.
BUT having said that, I can see it being mostly Joon’s story.
Hi Mithila, I’m so sorry to burst your bubble! >< but when it comes to these things I believe it is necessary remove our biases aside and look at everything as a whole objectively and logically otherwise we are playing in the space of pure speculation based on our own desires. The difference with Moon and Awake to Serendipity is that Joon helped Jin to write it. So the process would be Jin would share with Joon what he wants to write about and Joon will give Jin ideas. When this process happens, Jin is naturally credited to the song and they make it very clear it is Jin’s song (as in Jin wanted to write this song) and Joon helped share his ideas. Joon did the same for Jimin in Jimin’s song, Promise. That’s why we know Promise as Jimin’s song with Joon as a co-writer. However, in Serendipity’s case, Jimin had zero input. How can you write a song about your friend’s intimate love life if your friend doesn’t share with you the details about what he experienced with his partner? Logically that does not make sense. Think about your best friend and try to write one detailed paragraph about your best friend’s intimate time with her/his partner and how your best friend was feeling. Without asking her/him. Is that possible? In addition, if you look at all my analyses on Yoongi’s lyrics, I make a comment about how jarring it was for me when I moved from analysing Joon’s lyrics to Yoongi’s lyrics. Joon’s lyrics are overflowing with romantic love experiences and Yoongi’s lyrics were completely devoid of romantic love. Please do take the time to read the lyrics properly and you will see what I mean. This indicates further that Yoongi has had no romantic relationship that was worth writing about during the Love Yourself era/Agust D mixtape era. If Yoongi was romantically in love with Jimin, I would have expected to see lyrics based on experiences of romantic love from Yoongi. Unfortunately, there are none. Do rest assure though that if I do come across lyrics that later tell me otherwise, I have no problems with revisiting my interpretations and retracting them where appropriate 🙂 Maybe Yoonmin happened after the LY era!!
💜💜 Thank You Jimin! Small hints like this actually mean a lot when we go through the depths of their music💜