Welcome back everyone to a new post!
Gosh I’m excited! I’ve been waiting for this day for a long long time. There are so many things I’ve been wanting to share with you about Magic Shop! It is one of the first songs that made me fall in love with BTS, and just like it promised, it opened a door in my heart and I’ve been flying in the ARMY galaxy ever since.
This song is overflowing with symbolism, references and connections and I can’t wait to discover them with you.
And as the title suggests – Yep! We are going to find out the meaning of the last flower, the Plumeria today 🥳.
Assumed Knowledge & Assumptions
I have written this post assuming you know:
- my theory that all of the songs in LY albums are connected and reveal storylines when read in a specific order; and
- Joon, Yoongi and Hobi’s stories discussed in my blog so far.
New Readers
Hello there and welcome to my blog! I’m sorry to say that if you haven’t read any of the above posts… I may lose you in the detail as my lyrical analyses are built on existing knowledge!
This is simply because all of the songs are interconnected and need to be read in a specific order for it to make sense, just like a book.
If you’re wondering where to start, please start here.
Please also note the assumptions I apply when I analyse songs.
Enjoy! 😊
1. The Twist (轉)
If you have been listening to BTS carefully, you would know that they (particularly Namjoon) love to talk about philosophy.
One of the things they have mentioned countless times is how the end of something is simply the start of a new beginning.
True to their poetic artistry, this is of course exactly how they have structured their Love Yourself albums.
We discovered previously that the trilogy “ended” with the last song Answer: Love Myself on CD 1 of Love Yourself: 結 Answer. My theory’s order indicated that the next song we need to analyse is Magic Shop, which coincidentally (not!) is track number 1 on CD 2 of Love Yourself: 結 Answer.
If you have forgotten my theory’s order, please click here to refresh your memory.
Provided below are the next six songs that come after Answer: Love Myself:

We can observe that there is an alternating pattern after Answer: Love Myself: The songs go from Answer: Love Myself (結) to Magic Shop (轉), Best of Me (承), Airplane Pt 2 (轉), 고민보다 (Go Go) (承), Anpanman (轉) and Mic Drop (承).
Essentially, the order of the Chinese prefixes is reversed. In CD 1 (Part 1) the prefix order was 承 –> 轉 –> 結. Now in CD 2 (Part 2), it is 結 –> 轉 –> 承.
You can see this pattern clearly across these 7 songs (the magic 7 again!) if we reverse the above table:

What does this mean? Well, previously, we discovered that the prefixes 承 –> 轉 –> 結 described the following narrative at a high level:

Now if we turn the prefixes around and reverse (轉) it…

It becomes 結 –> 轉 –> 承. The prefixes are now describing a new narrative:

(承 also means support in Chinese and 轉 also means turn around/reverse in Chinese)
As you will soon see over the course of the next few blog posts, this narrative of BTS growing to love themselves, resulting in things improving so that they are now in a better mindset to start supporting “Her” will be told through the lyrics of Magic Shop, Best of Me, Airplane Part 2, Go Go, Anpanman and Mic Drop.
Magic Shop is the start of a new beginning.
Welcome to Part 2.
2. The writers of Magic Shop
JK, Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi are all listed as accredited writers of Magic Shop.
Namjoon said the following in his Vlive from 29.10 onwards:
“It’s made based on Jungkook’s first draft. I wrote the lyrics for the song. I guess if I have to say this… other than “So What” and “Anpanman”, I wrote most part of the lyrics for other tracks. I think I did a great job writing the lyrics for this song, “Magic Shop”. Jungkook made the first draft and played it for me… I feel like it is a fan song for myself.”
JK joined Namjoon in the same Vlive from 37.40 onwards and said the following about Magic Shop:
“When we produce this album, producer Pdogg said we would have a song for fans and he wanted me to make the first part… because it was a fan song.”
Namjoon’s Vlive makes it very clear that Magic Shop is a fan song specially dedicated to ARMY.
So whilst it is possible that the lyrics can be applied to their respective “Hers”, it is a fan song to ARMY first before it is a song to their respective “Hers”.
This also means that songs such as Trivia 承: Love… as much as we wished it was, is not dedicated or written to ARMY.
Namjoon is not rapping about his love for ARMY in that song.
Now, though Namjoon wrote most of the lyrics in Magic Shop, this song is based on JK’s idea. Hence, I have assumed Namjoon and JK have read the book Into the Magic Shop and where it is not clear who the speaker is, I have referred to the speaker as “BTS” and the pronouns “them/their”.
One more thing, with respect to the songs from Love Yourself: 轉 Tear that we haven’t analysed yet, we can assume that most of the lyrics from Airplane Pt 2, 134340, Love Maze and Paradise were written by Namjoon. This is something to keep in mind for future analysis.
3. Into the Magic Shop
It is no secret that Magic Shop is based on the amazing book “Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon’s Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart” by James (Jim) R. Doty. I have an epub copy here and I highly recommend everyone to read it.
To appreciate the motif of the “Magic Shop” in the lyrics, we need to have at least a high level understanding of what this book is about.
The book follows the true story of Jim who visits a magic shop and after a series of events, learns the biggest magic from a lady named Ruth. This magic allows a person to visualise and manifest his/her dreams and desires.
Learning this trick as one can expect, is not easy.
This trick requires you to be kind and loving to yourself in order to heal yourself and open your heart. An open heart is necessary because an open heart increases your ability to regulate your emotions, connect with others, be more optimistic, etc, which ultimately, enables you to harness the energy of your mind and heart to create and manifest anything you want.
Thus, opening and entering the door to the magic shop is the symbolic act of forgiving and being kind to yourself so you can open your heart to yourself, to others, and to the whole world.
This is the message BTS is asking us to do.
4. A sincere message of comfort for ARMY
I refer to the following lyrics:
I know that you’re hesitating because even if you speak your true heart,
Eventually, it all comes back as scars
I won’t say obvious things like ‘cheer up,’
but rather I’ll share with you my story
The above lyrics convey a sense of trust and familiarity between BTS and ARMY. Like best friends, BTS tells ARMY that we are not obliged to share what we are really feeling because they know it can be hard to do and may have consequences “it all comes back as scars.”
BTS tells ARMY gently that they won’t bother saying wishy-washy things like “cheer up” either, conveying the feeling that BTS knows us well enough to know that such empty words are not effective.
We can feel it in our souls the sincerity and thoughtfulness behind these words; and BTS’ decision to share with us “my story” evokes a feeling of warmth and intimacy between BTS and ARMY as we feel that we are a trusted figure in BTS’ personal life and journey.
The above lyrics reinforces again that all of the lyrics we have been analysing are based on BTS’ story. The lyrics are intentionally based on their true stories so that ARMY can feel close to BTS.
All of this is canon.
5. Namjoon’s Lyrics
5a. Winning with ARMY
I have a suspicion that BTS (or at least someone in BTS like Namjoon or JK) have perfected the magic trick Jim Doty shared in his book.
As stated above, the “magic trick” is about manifesting your desire by opening your heart and visualising your desired outcome. There are three aspects of this technique to note:
- Visualising your desired outcome translates to actually acting out your desired outcome: For example, Jim wanted to become a doctor, so he visualised it and started acting like he will become a doctor and will (despite all the odds) make it to medical school.
In the end, Jim of course made it and became an incredibly successful doctor. - An open heart is without selfish desire: An open heart is a heart that is filled with kindness and forgiveness and that yearns without selfish desire. In the book, when Jim visualised riches without an open heart, it led him to some serious consequences; and
- This visualisation technique causes the universe to conspire for you: An example from Jim’s story is that he was about to get evicted out of his home because his parents couldn’t afford rent. He visualised not getting kicked out and an old client of his dad showed up out of the blue on his doorstep and paid his dad his outstanding fees, resulting in Jim not getting evicted.
The point is: Jim didn’t find the money, the money found him.
The aspects of this technique have been reflected in Namjoon’s lyrics:
What did I say,
I told you that we’d win
I couldn’t believe (really)
that we’d be able to win
This miracle that isn’t a miracle
did we make it?
(No) I was here,
and you’re the one that came to me
- Visualising your desired outcome translates to actually acting out your desired outcome: Before this song and before BTS became world-famous and popular, Namjoon dreamt about success and told ARMY on 15 May 2015 that”I and you of mine will win in the end. Without anyone knowing. So naturally.”
2-3 years later, BTS started winning big and today by many many accounts, they have “won”.
Hence the lyrics “what did I say, I told you that we’d win” is about this aspect. Namjoon visualised and acted that BTS will win and of course, BTS went on to win years later. - An open heart is without selfish desire: The lyrics “this miracle isn’t a miracle” has a Korean wordplay per doolset lyrics, and the other interpretation of this line is “the miracle that isn’t selfish” or “the miracle that is made possible because we weren’t selfish”.
This is consistent with the technique’s requirement to have an open heart that is without selfish intentions.
It is also a “miracle that isn’t a miracle” because… BTS visualised it and according to the book – this trick has a scientific basis. Thus, though it feels like a miracle, it is not really one. - This technique causes the universe to conspire for you: The lyrics “did we make it? No, I was here, and you’re the one that came to me” reflects the third aspect of the technique. The universe conspired for BTS and helped BTS fulfil their wish of being successful idols.
Similar to Jim, BTS did not find ARMY.
It was ARMY who found BTS and showed up on BTS’ doorstep.
Applying the book to BTS’ story:
The odds were against BTS. But, because BTS were able to open up their hearts and visualised their success without selfish desires, the energy of the universe moved and connected ARMY to BTS to help BTS achieve their success.
5b. The meaning of Galaxy
I do believe your galaxy
I want to listen to your melody,
how the stars of your galaxy
will embroider your sky
If my research has been thorough, Namjoon and BTS only started using “Galaxy” imagery and motifs in their tweets, concerts, lyrics during and after 2017 (i.e. after they started preparing for Love Yourself: 轉 Tear). Not surprisingly, I believe that a lot of the inspiration behind the idea of “Galaxy” came from the book Into the Magic Shop.
The following is a quote from the book:
“Each of us can change our brain, our perceptions, our responses, and even our fate… We can use the energy of our minds and the energy of our hearts to create anything we want… Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can change forms, and energy can flow from one place to another. That is the gift we are each given.
Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon’s Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart by James R. Doty
The energy of the universe is within us. It is that stardust that makes up each of us. All that power of creation. All that power of expansion. All that beautiful, simple, synchronised power.”
If you have been following my blog consistently, the above concept that we are made up of stars would feel incredibly familiar to you.
We discussed the following lyrics in Answer: Love Myself: “Maybe I fell in order to take the place of those countless stars, the target of thousands of bright arrows is me alone… Why do you keep trying to hide under your mask when even the scars made by your own mistake mark your constellations.”
Hence, when Namjoon says “I do believe your galaxy” , he is saying that he believes that the energy of the universe is in each of us and that we have the capacity to open our hearts to create and manifest what we each desire.
Namjoon then tells ARMY that he “wants to listen to your melody” and watch “how the stars of your galaxy will embroider the sky.”
In other words, Namjoon is expressing his desire to watch the exquisite beautiful things ARMY will hopefully go on to do in the world by harnessing our stardust and making the world a better and more beautiful place, i.e. “embroidering the sky”.
5c. Namjoon’s last reason
I refer to the following lyrics:
At the end of my despair,
I found you at last, don’t forget
You’re the last reason for me who was standing on the edge of a cliff
I found the above lyrics to be a bit odd. As stated above, Magic Shop is meant to be a fan song and thus, I have assumed that the lyrics are written for/to ARMY.
However, we just finished analysing the lyrics that states ARMY was the one that came and found BTS (“you’re the one that came to me” ). In the above lyrics, Namjoon is the subject who is gone and found someone (“I found you at last, don’t forget” ).
This change in direction indicates that the “you” in these last few sentences may not be ARMY.
Given the context of the stories we have learnt so far in my blog, I believe it is possible that Namjoon did a bit of a sneaky and wrote the lyrics so that the “you” could refer to both his lover and ARMY.
After all, we saw in:
- Always that Namjoon was thinking about his lover when he was at his most desperate state (“at the end of my despair… standing at the edge of a cliff“);
- Serendipity that Namjoon credited his lover for “saving me, my angel, my world.” This is consistent with the above lyrics (“You’re the last reason for me… live” ); and
- The SEAcret “whole new” side of Namjoon and Tonight (이 밤) that there is a deeply poetic and literal meaning to Joon’s lyrics in Trivia 承: Love: “I LIVE so I love.”
With this context and background, Namjoon finishing his verse on the word “Live” is a powerful statement that links perfectly back to everything we have discussed before.
Hence, assuming that the “you” in the above lyrics can refer to Namjoon’s lover, this further supports my theory that Namjoon’s lover was the one who saved Namjoon from himself at the very last minute.
Namjoon’s penicillin indeed.
6. Hobi’s Lyrics
Hobi raps the following lyrics:
Like roses when blooming
Like cherry blossoms when fluttering
Like morning glories when fading
Like that beautiful moment
A version of these lyrics first appeared in Hobi’s “Thanks to” message for HYYH posted on February 10 2016:

These three flowers were clearly meaningful to Hobi during a happy time of his life where he was “getting to know myself” and where “I think that was the most happiest and the most beautiful moments of my life… this moment right now… is enjoyable!!!!!“
In other words, the above lyrics in Magic Shop represent Hobi’s re-energised commitment to learning about himself and living in the moment with passion and beauty.
7. Yoongi’s Lyrics
Yoongi raps the following lyrics:
I always wanted to become the best
So I was impatient and anxious
To compare myself against others became my daily life,
and my greed, which used to be my weapon, became a leash that chokes me
If you have been following my blog, the above lyrics will also feel incredibly familiar to you.
We discovered in The Last of Agust D that Yoongi used to compare himself against others and that he felt that a greedy monster laid within him “I’ve exchanged my youth for success, and that monster demands for more wealth, at times it puts a collar on my neck, to ruin and swallow me with greed.”
This is further evidence that BTS’ lyrics and references link up consistently and easily with their respective perspectives if you apply a consistent unbiased approach.
We discovered that Yoongi developed a “fake self” and a whole cocktail of mental illnesses because he was ambitious, greedy, impatient, but sensitive to all of the challenges and harsh criticisms thrown at him.
The comforting aspect of Yoongi’s lyrics is that he used past tense. He wanted to become the best, he was impatient and anxious, and his greed used to be the leash that chokes him.
This reflects Yoongi’s character development throughout the years and conveys to us that Yoongi no longer feels or thinks about himself that way. He is no longer (as?) impatient and anxious, and he no longer compares himself to others daily.
And although that greedy monster is still present in Yoongi as we saw in The Last of Agust D, fortunately, Yoongi no longer feels enslaved to it.
8. True intentions
I refer to the following lyrics:
But then, looking back, actually, I
feel like it’s not that I wanted to become the best
I wanted to comfort and move your heart
I want to take away your sorrow and pain
You may remember in (Outro) Her: By Namjoon, By Yoongi and By Hobi that all three rappers rapped about how they wanted to be the best for their respective Hers.
- Namjoon said: “Anyway, I wanna be the best man for you, of course you’re the world to me” ;
- Yoongi said: “I always make an effort to be the best for you” ; and
- Hobi said: “Tick tock the dark is over, to be your best again.”
Of course, as a result of trying to be the “best” for their respective Hers, all three rappers ended up having the issue of Fake Love. If we reflect back on the lyrics we have analysed, we can see that Namjoon, Yoongi’s and Hobi’s used to think that “being the best for you” meant being a perfect person for Her. This is why we saw in Fake Love the imagery of Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi being moulded into a perfect doll for their respective Hers.
The rappers reflect back on their true intentions when they made those statements in (Outro) Her and realised that all they really wanted was to simply be that special person that could:
- give comfort to Her;
- make Her feel loved and emotional (“move your heart” ); and
- take away all of Her sorrow and pain.
The rappers realised after the events of (Outro): Tear to Answer: Love Myself that they went about the wrong way trying to be that special person for Her.
She didn’t need or want them to be perfect, She simply needed them to be genuine.
Learning from their past mistakes, BTS now tries to be that genuine person for ARMY.
9. ARMY’s Magic Shop
On a day you hate being yourself, on a day you want to disappear forever,
Let’s build a door in your heart
When you open the door and enter, this place will await you
It’s okay to believe the Magic Shop that will comfort you
While drinking a cup of hot tea,
looking up to the galaxy,
you’ll be alright oh this here is the Magic Shop
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
Show you show you
Would you believe if I told you that I, too, was afraid of everything-
All the sincerity and all the remaining time
All your answers are in this place you found,
In your galaxy, in your heart
You gave me the best of me
So you’ll give you the best of you
You found me You recognized me
You gave me the best of me
So you’ll give you the best of you
You’ll find the galaxy inside you
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
Show you show you
As I mentioned earlier, opening and entering the door of the magic shop is the symbolic act of forgiving and being kind to yourself so you can open your heart to yourself, to others, and to the whole world.
In the book, Jim recites a kindness mantra to himself: I am worthy. I am loved. I am cared for. I care for others. I choose only good for myself. I choose only good for others. I love myself. I love others. I open my heart. My heart is open.
Therefore, when BTS urges ARMY to “build a door in your heart… open the door and enter” on a day that you hate yourself and want to disappear forever…
BTS is saying that on the day you hate yourself, let’s work together to help you be kind to yourself and open your heart.
Come visit us, listen to our music, let us remind you why you’re someone worthy of love.
We are in your Magic Shop in your heart with a wonderful warm cup of tea waiting to comfort you.
Because the door to the magic shop is a metaphor for the door to your heart where all the energy of the universe and the stardust is contained, BTS sits next to ARMY sipping tea and admiring ARMY’s beautiful constellations that are made up of scars from the past.
BTS comforts ARMY that “I, too, was afraid of everything” , of making decisions, of failing, of being not good enough, etc. But, as they found out, all of the answers, all of the truths and everything you need to know, are right there in your heart… in your galaxy. The energy of your stardust is waiting for you to unleash it.
When you remember why you’re important and why you’re worthy of love, unleash your stardust and manifest your dreams.
Show us what you can do, BTS tells ARMY, and we will show you what we can too.
Let’s embroider the stars.
10. The Best of Me
Magic shop ends with the following lyrics:
You gave me the best of me
So you’ll give you the best of you
You found me You recognized me
You gave me the best of me
So you’ll give you the best of you
You’ll find the galaxy inside you
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
Show you show you
What is immediately obvious in the above lyrics is the repetition of “Best of me” and “Best of you”. This is intuitive with my theory that the next song we will analyse is Best of Me.
The lyrics “you gave me the best of me so you’ll give you the best of you” is grammatically incorrect as pointed out by Namjoon in his VLive. Namjoon has intentionally created ambiguity in his lyrics so that we can interpret it however we would like so that it is meaningful to us.
There are two ways I personally interpret these lyrics, the first one being: ARMY was able to help BTS develop into the best versions of themselves. Knowing that the power and energy of change already exists within ARMY, BTS are confident that ARMY will also be able to “find the galaxy inside” themselves and become the best versions of themselves. Hence: “you’ll give you the best of you.”
My second interpretation is: Because of ARMY, BTS was able to push through the challenges and grow to become the best versions of themselves. This “best” version, however, is not one of perfection. This “best” version refers to BTS’ authentic imperfect selves that have many sides, but who lives with an open heart. Because of this, BTS are able to, through love, kindness and poetry, support ARMY back to become the best versions of themselves (結 –> 轉 –> 承). Thus, indirectly through BTS, ARMY will grow to become the best versions of ourselves.
11. The Plumeria

According to this website, the Plumeria has the following meanings:
1. New beginnings and new life –The flower symbolises a new start, new beginnings or new life. Hence, it is the perfect flowers for weddings or for someone who just had a baby.
This is perfectly fitting given Magic Shop is the start of a new beginning. It is the beginning of Part 2.
2. Charm and grace – This gentle flower is a symbol of charm and grace. It is a flower that you can give to your loved ones everyday to show how much they mean to you.
This is also perfectly symbolic given the context that Magic Song is a fan song for ARMY. It is symbolic of how much ARMY means to BTS.
3. Spring – The plumeria is a symbol of spring and the coming of warmer days. This flower announces more pleasant days and the beginning of a new chapter each year. Saying goodbye to the cold days and welcoming the pleasant and warm days of spring and later summer.
This is perfectly symbolic with my theory that Magic Shop is the turning point (轉) where things start to get better and spring has come again.
4. Positivity – The secret message behind the plumeria flower is to always keep an optimistic approach and to never lose your faith in positivity.
This is consistent with what the entire Magic Shop song is about: On the day you hate yourself, visit BTS in your heart to help bring kindness and positivity to open your heart. You have the power to do great things with your life.
Stay positive.
5. Challenges – Lastly, according to this website, modern florists often recommend the plumeria as a gift for someone who has endured many challenges because this plant must be heated over 500 degrees Fahrenheit to catch alight and start burning.
This is perfectly fitting given the context of the stories we have read in my blog.
In the lead up to Magic Shop, we read the stories of BTS overcoming many challenges.
In Magic Shop, we read the story of BTS comforting ARMY who is at a low point… clearly trying to overcome challenges in “Her” life (“on a day you hate being yourself, on a day you want to disappear forever” ).
In short, the Plumeria is perfectly symbolic to everything about Magic Shop.
Author’s Thoughts
Wow, this was a long post! Thank you for taking the time to read it and I hope you felt that it was insightful and meaningful.
As I stated earlier, I hope that all of you will take the time to read the book as I feel that we all can learn a thing or two from it.
Personally, my favourite takeaway from the book can be summarised in this quote: “It [opening your heart] helps you realise that oftentimes those who hurt people are those who hurt the most. If you can heal your own wounds, you don’t hurt anymore and you don’t hurt others.”
The world as it is today is already filled with hate, discrimination, bullying, harassment and war, and unfortunately, this is a vicious cycle.
Let’s take for example the rise of hate crime against elderly Asians in America. Let’s assume for one moment that one of the hate crimes happened to my grandmother whom I love dearly.
My family and I would naturally be in a state of pain and outrage. I would be hurting and demanding revenge or justice. If my family and I are not careful and we don’t heal our own wounds… it is quite possible that I or members of my family may go back out into the world and attack* someone that looks like my grandmother’s attacker.
(*Remember attack does not always mean physical violence. For example, I may purposely discriminate against people that look like my grandmother’s attacker by being cold towards them, or use my social influence to exclude them, or spread unkind rumours about them, or be passive-aggressive, etc etc. There are many ways to attack someone without obvious physical violence.)
And of course, this person that I have “attacked”, let’s say, through being unnecessarily unkind and mean to him, would be hurt and upset because of me. And if he isn’t able to heal his own wounds, he may get into a fight with the taxi driver because he was having a bad day caused by me, or he may go and bully someone else, or he may decide that Asians are indeed horrible and mean, etc and the vicious cycle goes round and round.
Therefore, the power to reduce violence, pain and suffering actually lies within us. If we are able to master the power of healing our own pain and suffering, we are less likely to go out to the world and hurt others who will go on to hurt other people.
Hate spreads hate, but love spreads love.
And with that, I leave you some of my other favourite quotes from the book for you to ponder about:
“I like being able to practice at something and get really good at it. I like that I am in control. Whether the trick works or it doesn’t work is only up to me. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says or does or thinks.”
“I think the magic trick [of a plastic thumb] works because people see only what they think is there rather than what’s actually there. This thumb trick works because the mind is a funny thing. It sees what it expects to see… The brain, as busy as it can be, is actually very lazy.”
“It’s your thoughts that create reality. Others can create your reality only if you don’t create it yourself.”
“When our brain changes, we change. That is a truth proven by science. But an even greater truth is that when our heart changes, everything changes. And that change is not only in how we see the world, but in how the world sees us. And in how the world responds to us.”
In his diary titled: Compass of the heart
“Each of us in our lives experiences situations that cause pain.
I call them wounds of the heart.
If you ignore them, they won’t heal.
But sometimes when our hearts are wounded that’s when they are open.
Frequently it is the wounds of the heart that give us the greatest opportunity to grow.
Difficult situations.
Magic gift.”
“… She [Ruth] taught me the greatest and most real magic there is – the power of compassion to not only heal each of our wounds of the heart but the hearts of those around us. It is the greatest gift, and the greatest magic.”
“We all have that gift and ability to connect. Whether through music, or art, or poetry, or just through listening to another.”
“Many misinterpret Darwin by implying that survival of the fittest means the survival of the strongest and most ruthless, when in fact it is the survival of the kindest and most cooperative that ensures the survival of a species in the long term. We evolve to co-operate, to nurture and raise our dependent young, and to thrive together and for the benefit of all.”
“The magic also gave me the courage to take risks and feel secure that, regardless of the outcome, I would be OK… [Ruth’s] magic made me realise that it was okay to be me…“
“We are on a journey of connection. It is the journey of opening our heart to our fellow beings on this earth and recognising that they are our sisters and brothers. Recognising that one act of compassion leads to another act of compassion, and so on across the globe. In the end, how well we love each other and how well we take care of each other will be what determines the survival of our planet and our species.”
💜 G
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Lyric sources:
Doolset lyrics and Genius lyrics
Please note I made some minor updates where I thought things could be expressed better. These minor updates do not result in any substantial change in meaning.
As per my first author’s note, please, no hate!
I do not have a shipping or individual bias, I love all seven members equally and I do not write my blogs because of a particular personal desire for one of them. I reached my conclusion on Joon and Jin being together based on the lyrics, logic and patterns as I have discussed in all my posts (i.e. I did not ship Namjin first, and then started trying to find things to prove my point). I genuinely enjoy all ships because I enjoy watching the different chemistries between the boys.
It does not matter one bit to me if they are straight, gay, intersex, a skrull, a mutant or if they could lay eggs. I love them wholeheartedly (as a sister who would love her younger brothers) for their individual selves.
This theory of Magic Shop is based on my interpretations of its lyrics. Please enjoy.
Hi G!
I’ve been reading this post the third time and I’m really into all your posts😂. I would like to share some thoughts regarding the ‘fake’ love they were experiencing. (I have typed a long one but as I went out to see my message then all gone…. sigh… hopefully I gather all here). In my humble opinion, the ‘fake’ can be connected with the song 4 o’clock. Even Joon said this song was based on Taw was waiting for Jimin in the park but in the lyrics, I can see he had his inputs about the movie he shared – Moonlight. He mentioned in the lyrics when the sun arises, the blue disappeared. The blue can mean both his sexuality and true self (like his lust in Dimple or weakling inside). So he had to pretend somebody else during his daytime as a public figure and full-time leader. As he described his love is very genuine so I assume that his lover will be confused when Joon showed up as a different person and not affection enough when they in front of others. If the lover is really Jin, it makes sense that their ship (I don’t believe about shipping, I’m just use this word. The love is the beautiful thing that can’t be ignored) can’t be found until recent years coz sometimes they can be so aloof.
The only question that haunts me is – why Joon can stay with his lover while being ‘fake’ and he had to leave while showing ‘the whole new self’? My guess is that if he tells the world who he loves, the outside forces will tear them apart. And this result not only costs them bad career path and hate, but the rest of members’ dreams.
It’s too sad to think about it really. I sincerely pray the world will really change to a better place so they can be safe to speak up their own feelings. If you read my comment dear G, please share your thoughts.
Loads of love and peace💜
Hey lovely! How are you!
Haha, I have not really concluded on why Joon felt that he was fake except that his fakeness was simply pretending to be happy or that everything was okay when he was not.
I don’t have any comments on 4 oclock either, quite a number of people have asked me this. I don’t have a view on it because I don’t really understand tae’s story. And i don’t know if Joon would (for a lack of better word in my head) “hijack” tae’s song to make it about his story.
Because of this missing piece and understanding in my head, I feel like I can’t conclude if the moonlight references are about himself, or if it is for him and Tae, or if it is about Tae only. I would prefer not to comment on that either, otherwise I risk being biased on my opinion. And is his sexuality the reason why he couldn’t stay with his lover? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe it could be one small reason, or part of a bigger reason, or maybe not at all.
I don’t want to speculate too much on what caused Joon to be depressed or why he felt that he can only stay with his lover as his fake self. There could be a whole load of reasons under the big umbrella of Pressure. Idol pressure, society pressure, confusion, immaturity (we all know how long it takes for people to figure out how to love) stress, family stress etc who knows?
Because it is not made clear, i would prefer not to comment on that either. If more details reveal themselves in the lyrics and I feel like I can substantiate the connections, I will of course write a post 🙂
Hi Piep! Regarding 4 o’clock I have a similar interpretation to yours. Not saying that the whole song is about RM’s struggles at this time of the day, but rather both Taehyung’s and Namjoon’s thoughts and interpretations of what the moon is and what safety the night provides, in case of Taehyung is this scenario he describes in the park where he waits for and talks with someone who is crying, while Namjoon’s is similar to the lyrics of Moonchild as well as everything discussed in this blog.
Wow!G..another mind blowing analysis…Thank you for this and I’m always waiting for the next one😊 keep safe always! Borahae 💜